Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Every Person Has A Mango Seed

“Let us create man in our own image and likeness.” Gen. 1:26

I used to believe that generosity is a virtue that we “acquire” through time. I was wrong. (And I thank God for correcting me this soon) God made me realized that generosity (like any other virtue) is not something that we “acquire” as if we can definitely say, “Just do this or that, you’ll BECOME generous!” or “This thing or that will MAKE you generous!” I’m telling you, it’s only half of the truth. The whole truth is that you are ALREADY generous. YOU ARE GENEROUS! Yes, we hardly see or believe this because most of the time, we fail to allow ourselves to live as such. In other words we don’t discover and celebrate our being generous.

For us to better understand this, allow me to give you an analogy. Our character as a generous person is like a mango seed. When you look at a mango seed, what you see is a mango seed. (Obviously!) But you know and I know that it is not only a mango seed. Inside of it is a mango tree. Just plant it, water it, expose it into sunlight, put some fertilizer (if needed), then the mango tree will become more obvious.

Again, you and I are generous. The problem is it’s not that obvious most of the time. Why? Basically again, because we don’t discover and celebrate it. Meaning we don’t plant it, water it, expose it to sunlight or fertilize it. In other words, we fail to expose ourselves to generous environment or sometimes, sad to say we even plant ourselves to “ungenerous” grounds. And that is why seldom we see seeds, trees and fruits of generosity around us. (Though in reality, there are plenty)

And so I invite you to take this kind of awareness with me. That more than we believe that someday or somehow we will BECOME generous, let us claim that WE ARE ALREADY GENEROUS today! Why not? Our creator made us this way. “Let us create man is our own image and likeness.” (Gen.1:26). Therefore if God is Good (all the time), man is good! If God is loving, we are loving! If God is generous (And He is!) you and I are generous! Meaning, all of us has this innate power (potential and kinetic) to receive and give good things to ourselves, to others, with others and of course with God.

So my dear friend, the next time you look at yourself in the mirror. Say to yourself “I am generous!” Then, believe and live it. And the next time you look to someone, say, “This person is generous!” Believe me; this will really ridiculously change your world, for you will see each day not only mango seeds but fruitful mango trees.

God bless your generous heart!

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