Monday, March 24, 2014

Who Needs Water The Most?

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?" Jn. 4:7

I used to believe that when I do good, I’m giving favor to God.
That when I pray, the more I can love God.
That when I help someone, the more I can serve God.
That when I sacrifice, the more I can prioritize God.

These may be true but the truth behind these is truer.
That when I pray, the more God can love me.
That when I help someone, the more God can serve me.
That when I sacrifice, the more God can “prioritize” me.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you that the more we do good the more God loves us. No, it’s not the point and no, it’s not the truth.
The truth here is that the more we allow ourselves to do good (to ourselves, to others, and even to God), the more God CAN work in our lives. The more we CAN experience His unconditional love. And in the end the more we CAN live a fulfilled life.

This is why I think in the gospels, there are times that Jesus asked something from people although, we know that he can easily provide it for himself. Take a look at these.
Jesus needs a bread to feed the five thousand and he requested his disciples to look for it. (Mt.14:16)
Jesus needs water to quench his thirst and she requested the Samaritan woman to give it to him. (Jn. 4:7)
Jesus needs more fish and he asked his disciples to provide it. (Jn. 21:10)

Here’s a question for all of us to think.
Is Jesus really in need of bread, water, fish in these occasions? Or the people do?

So better now we ask ourselves these questions?
Does God really in need of our prayers? Or we need them the most?
Does God really in need of our tights? Or we need them the most?
Does God really in need of our good works? Or we need them the most?

I hope now you see the point.
God requests that we give him our utmost love and time not because He will become more powerful or Godlier. The truth is; He will still remain God even without them. (even without us)

What I would like to think is that he requested these from us and “appear” that he needs them because he wants to train us to GIVE. To be GENEROUS!
Because he knows that the more we give our love to Him, the more we will learn to give love to ourselves. The more we give love to ourselves, the more we will learn to give love to each other. And the more we give love to each other, the more we will experience and enjoy a fulfilled life.

What more can I say.
When God asks something from us, surely; it will be for the benefit of us.
God is really generous! Don’t you think?

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