Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Science of Achieving your Dreams

Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you? Mk. 10:36

If there is one thing you would like God to do for you today, what would that be?
Yes, what is that one thing? In urge you, think about it for awhile.

Ok. Do you find it hard to think of this one thing because you have many on your list?
Is there something inside you asking, “Di ba pwedeng tatlo man lang?

Now, Listen.
I believe God is not thrifty. He’s generous!
And I believe God is not a Genie (giving us only 3 wishes), He’s generous!

Today, I invite you to ASK God of the things you want Him to do for you.
This is actually a request from Him.
The bible says:  “You do not have what you want because you do not ask God for it.” Jas. 4:2

Again, ASK Him.
Tell Him of the things you NEED in your life right now.
Just make sure that you’re asking Him with good intentions.

Now if you want them to be a reality.
There are three things I would like to suggest.
I call these the SCIENCE of Achieving our Dreams.
And it can easily be remembered by the letters WSA meaning WRITE-SHARE-ACT

WRITE- You make a list especially if you have handful requests from the Lord.
It will not only help you to be clear and specific about them, you can also use this list to motivate yourself daily by reading them everyday. And the truth is, the more you see (not only know) your dreams, the more chances they will come true.

SHARE- Enthusiastically share your dreams to others. Tell them to your parents and good friends. In doing so, you’re sending your dreams to another level of achievement for you will have companions to work for them. Remember the popular adage:  Two heads are better than one.

ACT- Act consistently for your dreams. In other words act on them daily. As you re-read your list daily and share your dreams to others, daily positive action is very important. Prioritize. Avoid procrastination. Live for your dreams daily as if it is your last chance to achieve them.  Do even simple or little things to advance your dreams. Don’t always wait for the “right opportunity”. Who knows if they will still come. Every day is always an oppotunity to make things happen.

In a nut shell, please don’t forget this. If you want to clarify your thoughts- write them. If you want to make them into reality- share them. If you want to accomplish them- act on them daily.

After all the things I’ve mentioned, remember that every noble goal in your heart are part of God’s purpose for your life. You can dream them because God put it there. It is first His dream for you before you discovered it. So don’t be tentative, be courageous and go for them whatever it takes.

God bless your dreams.