Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Never Miss the Lesson, Never Miss the Teacher

“You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later.” Jn 13:7

The Teacher knows it very well, His hour is at hand. And He’s prepared. 

The problem is, his students aren’t.
He also knows what will happen and what He will going to do next. 

Unfortunately, his disciples aren’t.

And so he wishes to dine with them, at least for the last time before his (and ours) big day.
Yes, to express how much he loves His friends,

And to help them prepare for one of the greatest lessons in life… 
“If you don’t know how to die well, you will never know how to live well!”

A lesson he wants his disciples to understand (and live)...
This time in the upper room but hours later, at the top of the mountain.
This time while dining in a wooden table but hours later, while carrying the wooden cross.
This time with the pouring of water, but hours later, with the thunders of spit and stones.
This time with a broken bread, hours later, with his crushed body.
This time with a cup of wine, hours later, with his liters of blood.
This time while he’s living, hours later, while he’s dying.

These holy days… (and still, after these days)
Let’s really pay attention.
Let’s open our minds, hearts, and hands.
Not just to repetitive traditions and lengthy prayers;
But more to great lessons of dying and living, 

Of sacrifice and celebration, 
Of generosity and love.
Never miss these lessons my friend,
Eventually, we will never miss the Teacher.

Happy Holy Thursday!

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