Today, we celebrate God’s faithfulness to us.
Indeed, He’s faithful for He did not only complete a task, He did
fulfill a promise. A promise of new life, a more fulfilled life. In a
word- salvation.
Many did not noticed or expected it. Many did not even believe it.That for all those years (from creation to resurrection) until now; His death and resurrection is all about us. It is our salvation, more than His glory.
It is our salvation, more than His majesty.
Let’s put this reality this way:
Jesus chose to be like man, for you to stay like God. Jesus chose to die having you rather that to live without you. Jesus chose to be buried on earth, so that like Him; you may rise in heaven!
Now, we have a perfect example to truly live our lives. To gain salvation.
If Jesus was able to give Himself for others, how about us?
If Jesus was able to empty Himself for others, how about us?
If Jesus was able to die and live for others, how about us?
I hope it is affirmative. For this is the summary of Easter-
To die and live for others. But this time, this time;
It’s not anymore about us and it should not be because of ourselves.
For this time, this time; it should be only for His glory.
It should only be for God’s Majesty.
Yes. It’s a cycle. (Actually, I can’t wait to share this with you for
this is the summary of the all things I would like to tell you since
last Sunday) Hear this my friend - God thinks of us for us to learn how
to better think of ourselves and of Him.
To make it more clear, this is what I mean.
God loves us for us to love well ourselves and our neighbor, and in
loving well ourselves and our neighbor, we can love and be with Him.
That’s salvation! That’s Easter!
Let us pray,
Generous Father, as we now conclude our Lenten observance and begin our
Easter season, We thank you. We thank you for you made us realize that
it is us who you love more than anything else. Help us to do the same
with you, to love you more than anything else. For we know, through your
grace, that if we will learn how to love you more, we can truly love
ourselves and others. Guide us as we continue our journey while
proclaiming your resurrection. Guide us as we offer our lives to others.
This we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Have an inspiring Easter journey today and forever. ‘Til then kapasahero!
![pasahero ako, sana ikaw rin!](
pasahero: (pasa /to give/; hero /someone who saves/) is a lifestyle which cultivates generosity in one's heart. Its purpose is to inspire people to live generously, proclaiming that with God: "The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little" 2 Cor. 8:15. Indeed, because God is very generous to us, WE CAN also be generous to others!
The Four Inspirations of Pasahero
pasahero act 1: A Generous Saver
pasahero act 2: A Generous Passenger (Part 1)
pasahero act 2: A Generous Passenger (Part 2)
pasahero act 3: A Generous Example
pasahero act 1: A Generous Saver
pasahero act 2: A Generous Passenger (Part 1)
pasahero act 2: A Generous Passenger (Part 2)
pasahero act 3: A Generous Example
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
When God Died, He was Thinking About You (Round 5)
Tonight, in a special and grand way, God will be speaking to us through
his written words- the Scripture; and through His Word became flesh-
Jesus Christ. Indeed, it is for us to be invited once again to believe
and re-live one thing: What is that one thing?
It is the truth that- When God gave Jesus, He was thinking about us! Yes, it is me and YOU whom He thinks and cared about all throughout these years.
When God created the world, He is thinking about you.
When God promised Salvation after Adam and Eve fall, He is thinking about you.
When God called Abraham to build his nation, He is thinking about you.
When God sent Moses to deliver Israel from Egyptians, He is thinking about you.
When God chose Isaiah to prophesy His wonders, He is thinking about you.
When God became man and born in a manger, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus preached the Gospel to the poor, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus healed the sick and brought to life the dead, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus forgave sins, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus celebrated the last supper, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus embraced the cross, He is thinking about you.
Yes, when Jesus died on the cross, He is thinking about you.
And you know what, while reading this one, He is still thinking about you.
That’s how God is selfless and generous to you… generous and loving to us.
Listen to this. I’m not God, but I believe that when He acts, He thinks of us always.
He thinks of how our life would be better for us.
That even in difficulty, sickness, and even death, He make sure that we are safe.
What is my proof? The Resurrected Christ!
Celebrate Him tonight. Receive Him forever!
Have an Inspiring Easter Vigil to you my friend.
It is the truth that- When God gave Jesus, He was thinking about us! Yes, it is me and YOU whom He thinks and cared about all throughout these years.
When God created the world, He is thinking about you.
When God promised Salvation after Adam and Eve fall, He is thinking about you.
When God called Abraham to build his nation, He is thinking about you.
When God sent Moses to deliver Israel from Egyptians, He is thinking about you.
When God chose Isaiah to prophesy His wonders, He is thinking about you.
When God became man and born in a manger, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus preached the Gospel to the poor, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus healed the sick and brought to life the dead, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus forgave sins, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus celebrated the last supper, He is thinking about you.
When Jesus embraced the cross, He is thinking about you.
Yes, when Jesus died on the cross, He is thinking about you.
And you know what, while reading this one, He is still thinking about you.
That’s how God is selfless and generous to you… generous and loving to us.
Listen to this. I’m not God, but I believe that when He acts, He thinks of us always.
He thinks of how our life would be better for us.
That even in difficulty, sickness, and even death, He make sure that we are safe.
What is my proof? The Resurrected Christ!
Celebrate Him tonight. Receive Him forever!
Have an Inspiring Easter Vigil to you my friend.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
When God Died, He was Thinking About You (Round 4)
“After the Cross, the greatest symbol of God’s love for us is Marriage"
Be ‘Polygamous’. But
Please Don’t Get me Wrong
An inspiring Holy
Friday and Generosity day to you!
Today, I would like to continue our reflection by sharing some of the inspiration I got from the song “When God Made You” as well as the readings of today.
Today, I would like to continue our reflection by sharing some of the inspiration I got from the song “When God Made You” as well as the readings of today.
Like what I’ve told
you yesterday, I found the song “When God Made You” not only about marriage between
a husband and a wife but a reflection of our ‘Marriage’ to God. Yes, between you and your ‘Marriage’
with God. Because if you think you’re single, no; you’re not. You’re already
married and in a relationship (complicated or not, it’s up for you to decide) If
you think you should be monogamous, no; you shouldn’t. You should be ‘polygamous’.
But please don’t get me wrong. What I mean is that aside from your husband or
wife, you should also be (and more) loyal to God. What made me think this way? The
Gospel (Jn.18:1-19:42) that you’ll be hearing this afternoon at the “Adoration
of the Cross” in your parish will lead you to understand. Allow me to give some
At the beginning,
the Gospel says: “Jesus knew everything that was going to happen to him, so he
stepped forward…” Jn. 18: 4
Yes, Jesus knows what
will happen to him. How come? Simple. Because He’s fulfilling a promise.
(And basically, a 'promise' is something that has been said before) What was that
promise? The promise that God, His Father will save us through Him.
At the beginning,
the promise was put by Genesis this way: “I will put enmity between you and
the woman, and between your offspring and
hers; He (Jesus) will crush your
head, and you will strike his heel.” Gen. 3:15
After many years,
the prophet Jeremiah repeated the promise:
“The days are
coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for
David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and
right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in
safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord
Our Righteous Savior. Jer. 23:5-6
For us to better
see, prophet Isaiah has a more elaborate version:
“Surely He (Jesus)
took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he
was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on
him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each
of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid
on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not
open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before
its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of
his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for
the transgression of my people he was punished. He
was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he
had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.” Is. 53:4-9
In the New
Testament, everything that was promised through Isaiah was summarized by John in this way:
“For God so loved
the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Jn. 3:16-17
Yes, not only
Genesis, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and John; but all the scriptures are with us today
to help us believe (and receive) that Christ is the perfect one, sent by the Father for us
to be assured of life. A life that is full and everlasting.
Believe It is Jesus, The Perfect One
Now, try to see
these opening lines of the song “When God Made You.”
always been a mystery to me,
How two hearts can come together,
And love can last forever.
How two hearts can come together,
And love can last forever.
now that I have found you I believe,
That a miracle has come when God sends the perfect one.
Now gone are all my questions about why,
And I've never been so sure of anything in my life.
That a miracle has come when God sends the perfect one.
Now gone are all my questions about why,
And I've never been so sure of anything in my life.
I hope you see
what I mean. Again, more that your special friend, your husband, or your wife;
today, believe it is Jesus. It is Jesus you need. That Jesus is the one who can
answer your life’s greatest mysteries. That He is the one you need to be
secured. That He’s the perfect one sent by God for you to experience love, a
love that can last forever. Yes, it is Jesus. Believe it is Jesus!
Now, I invite you to pause
for a while and reflect on these questions:
1. Do you have a question in your life today? What is it? Do you believe that Jesus is the perfect answer?
In what way?
2. What gives assurance
in your life right now? Is it Jesus or anything else?
Hope you’ll ponder
on these questions well. For you also to get facilitated I invite you to watch the
inspiring video below entitled “We Are the Reason”. Again, enjoy God today and have an inspiring Generosity Day1!
1Why today is called Generosity Day? click here. Thanks.
When God Died, He Was Thinking About You (Round 3)
Nobody Thinks of Him
but He Only Thinks About Us
Congratulations! Indeed, I’m happy for you for allowing
God to be the center of your Holy Week 2014 celebration. By the way, how’s your
conversation with Him. I hope the Gospel narrative and the questions that I
gave you helped more to focus on Him. This time, I would like to share my
personal journey with you with the same Gospel. May this reflection help you to
have a more inspiring moment with God.
Honestly, while watching it last Sunday, there was a
tendency at the beginning for me not to really pay attention. It is because somehow as a religious
educator; I have already read or listened to it for quite number of times now.
But as I keep on watching, there is something that bothers me and made me
quiet. It is the realization that during his passion- nobody thinks about
Jesus. That from the many individual and group of people present during his
passion, nobody thinks about Him, about His welfare. All of them were only
concerned of his, her or their own agenda. Allow me to present some of the
The chief priests and elders; concerned only of their
tradition and of pride.
Pontius Pilate; concerned of his throne and power. (even
his wife; concerned of her sleep)
Barrabas; you know it, freedom of course.
The soldiers; concerned only of orders and of having fun.
The two criminals: concerned of their safety.
The crowd; their just there to see miracles and wonders.
Yes, try to watch the passion narrative again and observe
what I shown you here. You’ll see, all of them are only concern of themselves.
But wait, there is something more. Something that I would like you to focus more.
Kindly look at Jesus. See how he responded to each one of them. Yes, this is
what made my cry. Listen to this my friend.
Even though nobody thinks of Jesus during his passion, in return, Jesus
only thinks about them. He only thinks of their salvation.
And this started a different Holy Week 2014 journey for
me. Having realized that for most of my life, I was also like those who are
present in Christ passion - only thinking of myself; only concerned of my fears
and of my dreams, my defeats and my triumphs, forgetting most of the time, what
really God wants me to be and what I can really do for and with others.
Because also of this inspiration, this song that I would
like to share with you below becomes different. Yes, it is a weeding song. But
for me, it’s not only between a husband and a wife. It’s between me and my God.
The God who loves you and me, that is why He gave Jesus to you and me generously.
My friend, I invite you to listen and be touch by the song. Try to sing it as
if you are having a chorus with Jesus. ‘Til next time.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
When God Died, He was Thinking About You (Round 2)
Thank you for praying with me. I hope you’re enjoying your
journey with God this far through our reflections here in Iampasahero. To begin
our second round, I would like to invite you to watch the passion narrative of Christ from the Gospel of St.
Matthew as presented in Word Exposed by clicking the link below:
I’m sure you’re already familiar with this Gospel but like
what I told you before, let us listen, see, and touch it again with new ears,
eyes and new hands. To do this, I invite you to watch it again considering the
following guide questions:
1. What particular words or incident in the
Gospel stuck me the most? Why?
2. What do I think God is telling me to
do through these words or incident?
3. Is there an event in my life right now
(or before) that I find somehow similar with the experiences of Jesus? If Jesus
is in my position, how do I think He will respond?
4. If I was there in His crucifixion,
what am I going to tell Him?
After you watched it, read again the questions, allow yourself
to be quiet and answer some of them. However, those are only guide questions,
if there are more relevant questions or things that you would like to reflect
upon, I advise you to focus on them. My only tip is to do this activity slowly and
to allow God to speak to you through silence. Now, I’ll stop here for a while.
Enjoy your conversation with God. He’s really looking forward to this.
Monday, April 14, 2014
When God died, He was Thinking about You (Round 1)
Not Only PALM but a FIST
Sunday for Filipinos
With much tension and excitement, while watching the 5th
round of Paquiao and Bradley fight last Sunday on local television, a friend
texted me that Paquiao already won via unanimous decision. More than a “Basag
Trip” moment for me, I really thanked this friend or mine because he helped me remove my stress. Yes, because of that text, I was able to relax a little bit
and said to myself “Hay! Mabuti naman, salamat sa Diyos.”
Indeed, it was a relief for me (and to my very nervous
dad) to know that Manny Paquiao already won the match although I haven’t seen
or heard it by myself announced in television. And although my anticipation is no longer the
same as before, I still cling to the television, watch the fight, and with
excitement see by myself how Manny fought and won that most anticipated contest
especially for us Filipinos.
It’s Not a Replay
Maybe you are thinking why I’m starting our Holy Week
reflection with this. Listen my friend. Like my experience, you and I already
know what happened and will happen these coming days. Although our Holy Week is
just starting, we know that Jesus already won. That Jesus already defeated the
enemy but doesn’t really receive the champion's belt for himself but we did.
Why not? How many Holy Weeks we have gone through? How
many Visita Iglesia we have participated? How many 'Daan ng Krus' we have prayed?
How many “Palaspas” we have bought, rose, and hung to our doors and windows?
How many times we have gone on Good Friday processions? How many times we have seen
the washing of the feet and last supper portrayed in our parishes? How many
times we have listened to 'Siete Palabras'? How many times we have read or heard the
biblical presentation of the passion of Christ? How many times we have kissed
that crucifix? How many times we have woke up early Sunday morning and greeted each
other “Happy Easter”? Yes, I’m sure many times already. Oh, I’m sorry; I missed
something to ask. How many times we have visited resorts or climbed mountains
and even renew our ‘anting-anting’? I
guess, many times also.
That’s why, even we are asleep; we knew the fact that
Judas will betray Jesus and he will not change. That Jesus will be denied by
Peter three times and not twice. That the disciples will run away from the
garden of Gethsemane and leave Jesus. That Pontius Pilate will wash his hands
not his feet. That Jesus will be hung in the cross. That those soldiers will gamble
for the attire of Jesus and not for food. That one criminal will mock Jesus not
three. That Jesus will die and after three days (not two or five), He
will rose again. Bottom line, we have heard it and we have seen it. Nothing
new, nothing different. Yes, this Holy week 2014 is finished
before it started.
No. I hope not!
Please say that with me again.
"No, I hope not!”
Please say that with me again.
"No, I hope not!”
No is not yet over. If you think that everything will
only be a replay, a mere flash back, only a commemoration of what
happened thousands of years ago, or it will only be that same busy or nostalgic week for
you, I invite you, please PRAY that you may remove this kind of disposition. Yes, let us pray that
you and I may experience God's gift of salvation this week in a more inspiring and refreshing way.
Like what most of us did last Sunday, although we already knew that Manny Pacquiao won even before we see or heard it by ourselves, (thanks
to those who spill the news after watching it live in Pay Per View and even
thanks to GMA 7 who post it in their Facebook account even if their airing is
not yet over) let us anticipate still or better say, celebrate still with much
excitement (with holy stress) every saving acts of Christ,
every false accusations, every denial, beating, spit and pain that He will
receive, yet every forgiveness and love that He will give. Let us see, hear and
touch it “by ourselves” and approach this Holy week as if we never saw, heard
or experienced it before. So that we may also find ourselves attentive not only to
the highlights but even to the ordinary yet life-giving incidents of the
passion, death and resurrection of Christ. No, not only this week, but in all the weeks and days of our life. That is my prayer for you. That is my blessing for you.
Our Generous Opening Prayer
Now, let us pray.
Generous Father, I humbly pray that as I start my Holy Week 2014 journey with you, give me new eyes,
new ears, new hands, and new heart to experience anew the wonders of your salvation. Make me more attentive to the lessons that your Son
wanted me to learn and imitate so that like Him, I may also win the boxing, the
battle of life here on earth for You and for others. These I pray in Jesus name
my Savior. Amen.
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