Now that I increase in age and understanding about God, the more I find it challenging to talk about Him to others. It’s because I realized that my mind is so limited, that I cannot really comprehend and explain all the things pertaining to Him.
But though I find Him so mysterious nowadays than before, I’m pretty much convinced that this God of ours is no doubt a GIVER of LIFE. This is His primary trait. That God is God because He gives life. With this faith, (how fragile it may seems) I approached him every time I see something in myself needed to be given life- to be resurrected.
A directionless pursuit… He gives me purpose.
A fearful decision… He gives me courage.
A bankrupt account… He gives me resources.
A terrible mistake… He gives me forgiveness.
A painful sickness... He gives me healing
A dying friend… He gives me comfort.
My friend, I find this trait very much natural to him.
Indeed, our God is naturally and supernaturally life giving.
Trust Him. I invite you.
Lift to Him your dead dreams, your dead careers and dead relationships.
He can resurrect them in due time.
For though I may not know where heaven or hell is,
But this I do know- wherever you find God, there life is!
Trust Him more. Your Easter is near.